Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Civil Service Mains Optional RUSSIAN



Answers must be written in Russian
except in the case of question regard-ing translation from Russian to English.
(Language and Culture)


i. Modern Russian Language :
Phonetics, Morphology, Syntax,
Lexicology, Lexicography and Seman-tics, linguistics

ii. Translation from Russian into English
and vice-versa.

i. Socio-political and economical devel-opment of the Russian Federation :
Patriotic war of 1812, October Revolu-tion, Perestroika and Glasnost, disinte-gration of USSR. Regional & Cultura

variations of the Russian Federation.
ii. Essay on general topics.


(Answers must be written in Russian )
Literary History and Literary Criticism
Literary movements, Sentimentalism, Ro-manticism, Naturalism, Realism, Critical
Realism, Socialism, Acmeism, Symbolism,
Futurism; Origin and development of liter-ary genres : Folk literature, Lyrics and po-ems-A.S. Pushkin, M.U. Lermontov,
Alexander Blok, Esenin, V. Mayakovky,
Anna Akhmatova. Epic-L.N. Tolstoy, M.
Sholokhov, Short story, novelet, novels-Pushkin, Lermontov, N.V. Gogol, S.
Shchedrin, I. Goncharov, I. Turgenev, F.M.
Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy, A.P. Chekhov,
M. Gorky, M. Sholokhov, I. Bunin, E.
Zamyatin, Boris Pasternak, A.
Solzhenitsyn, M. Bulgakov, Chingiz
Aitmatov, V. Rasputin, V. Shukshin, Criti-cism-Belinsky, Dobrolyubov,
Chernyshevsky, Pisarev, Drama-Chekhov,
Gogol. Influence of socio-political move-ments on literature.

This part will require first hand reading of
the texts prescribed and will be designed
to test the candidates’ critical ability.

1. A.S. Pushkin Evgeny Onegin

2. M.U. Lermontov Hero of our times

3. N.V. Gogol Revizor

4. I.S. Turgenev Fathers and sons

5. F.M. Dostoevsky Crime and Punishment

6. L.N. Tolstoy i. War and Peace

ii. Resurrection

7. A.P. Chekhov i. Toska

ii. Smert Chinovnika

iii. Chameleon

8. A.M. Gorky Mother

9. A. Blok The twelve

10. B.B. i. Cloud in plants
Mayakovsky ii. Good

11. M. Sholokhov Fate of a man

12. B. Pasternak Doctor Zhivago

13. Solzhenitsyn One day in the life of
Ivan Danisovich

14. V. Rasputin Zhivi i Pomni

15. Chingiz Aitmatov Bely Porokhod

16. V. Shukshin Chudik

Civil Service Mains Optional PUNJABI



(Answers must be written in Punjabi in
Gurumukhi Script)


(a) Origin of Punjabi language : different
stages of development and recent develop-ment in Punjabi language : characteristics of
Punjabi phonology and the study of its tones:
classification of vowels and consonants.

(b) Punjabi morphology : the number-gen-der system (animate and inanimate), pre-fixes, affixes and different categories of Post
positions: Punjabi word formation:  Tatsam.
Tad Bhav,forms: Sentence structure, the
notion of subject and object in Punjabi:
Noun and verb phrases.

(c) Language and dialect; the notions of
dialect and idiolect; major dialects of
Punjabi; Pothohari, Majhi, Doabi, Malwai,
Puadhi; the validity of speech variation on
the basis of social stratification, the distinc-tive features of various dialects with spe-cial reference to tones. Language and script;
origin and development of Gurmukhi; suit-ability of Gurmukhi for Punjabi.

(d) Classical background; Nath Jogi Sahit
Medieval literature : Gurmat, Sufti, Kissa
and Var Janamsakhis.


(a) Modern Mystic, romantic, progressive
Trends and neomystic (Vir Singh,
Puran Singh, Mohan Singh,
Amrita Pritam, Bawa Balwant,
Pritam Singh Safeer, J.S.
Experimentalist (Jasbir SinghAhluwalia, Ravinder Ravi,
Ajaib Kamal)
Aesthetes (Harbhajan Singh,
Tara Singh)
Neo-progressive (Pash.
Jagtar, Patar)
Origin and Development of Genres :

(b) Folk Folk songs, Folk tales. Riddles,
literature Proverbs.
Epic (Vir Singh, Avtar Singh, Azad
Mohan Singh)
Lyric (Gurus, Sufis and Modern Lyri-cists-Mohan Singh Amrita
Pritam, Shiv Kumar,
Harbhajan Singh)

(c) Drama (I.C. Nanda, Harcharan Singh,
Balwant Gargi, S.S.Sekhon,
Charan Das Sidhu)
Novel (Vir Singh, Nanak Singh,
Jaswant Singh Kanwal, K.S.
Duggal, Sukhbir, Gurdial
Singh, Dalip Kaur Tiwana,
Swaran Chandan)
Short Story (Sujan Singh, K.S. Virk. Prem
Parkash, Waryam Sandhu).

(d) Socio- Sanskrit, Persian and Western.
Literary in-fluences
Essay (Puran Singh, Teja Singh,
Gurbaksh Singh)
Literary (S.S. Sekhon, Attar Singh,
Criticism Kishan Singh, Harbhajan
Singh, Najam Hussain


(Answers must be written in Punjabi
in Gurumukhi Script)
This paper will require first-hand reading
of the texts prescribed and will be designed
to test the candidate’s critical ability.

a) Sheikh Farid The complete Bani as in-cluded in the Adi Granth.

b) Guru Nanak Japu Ji Baramah, Asa di

c) Bulleh Shah Kafian

d) Waris Shah Heer


a) Shah Jangnama (Jang
Mohammad Singhan te Firangian)
Dhani Ram Chandan Vari
Chatrik (Poet) Sufi Khana
Nawan Jahan

b) Nanak Singh Chitta Lahu
(Novelist) Pavittar Papi
Ek Mian Do Talwaran

c) Gurbaksh Zindagi di Ras
Singh (Essayist) Nawan Shivala
Merian Abhul Yadaan.
Balraj Sahni Mera Roosi Safarnama
(Travelogue) Mera Pakistani

d) Balwant Gargi Loha Kutt
(Dramatist) Dhuni-di-Agg
Sultan Razia
Sant Singh Sahityarth
Sekhon (Critic) Parsidh Punjabi Kavi
Punjabi Kav Shiromani

Civil Service Mains Optional PERSIAN


There will be two questions which must be
answered in Persian. The remaining ques-tions must be answered either in Persian
or in the medium of examination opted by
the candidate.


1. (a) Description of the origin and devel-opment of Persian language (to be an-swered in Persian).

(b) Applied Grammar, Rhetorics, Prosody,
Idioms and Phrases frequently used.
(i) Grammar : Ism and its kinds, Zamir-e-Muttasil and Munfasil, Murakkabi-Tausifi,
Murakkab-i-Izafi, Ismi-Ishara, Musharun
Elaih, Fel and its kinds, Tenses, Gardan,
singular and plural, Jumleh and its kinds.
(ii) Rhetorics : Tajnees, Ishteqaq, Luzum-ma-la-yalzum, seyaqatul Aadad, Qalb,
Tarsee, Esteaara, Maratun Nazir, Laff-o-Nashr, Iham, Husn-i-Taalil, Tajahuli-Aarefaneh, Talmih, Tansiqus Sifat.
(iii) Prosody : Bahri-Muzara, Ramal,
Mutaqarib, Tawil, Hazaj, Kamil.


1. Short essay in Persian-250 words (to be
answered in Persian).

2. History of Persian Literature in Iran and
India; Literary criticism and styles; trends
in classical and modern literature; socio-cultural influences, development of mod-ern literary genres including drama, novel,
short story.


There will be two compulsory questions–
one each in textual portions of prose and
poetry which are to be answered in Per-sian. The remaining questions are to be
answered either in Persian or in the me-dium of examination opted by the candi-date.
This paper will require first hand reading
of the texts prescribed and will be designed
to test the candidate’s critical ability.



1. Nizami Aroozi Samarqandi : Chahar
Maqala :
(i) Dabiri
(ii) Shaairi

2. Qabus.b, Washmgir : Qabus Nama :
(i) Dar Shinakhtan-e-Haqq-e-Pidar-wa- Madar
(ii) Dar Bishi Justan Az Sukhandani
(iii) Dar Talib Ilmi Wa Faqih Wa

3. Sadi Shirazi : Gulistan :
(i) Dar Tasir-e-Suhbat

4. Moh. Awfi : Jawameul Hikayat :
(i) First Ten Hikayaat

5. Ziauddin Burney : Tarikh-i-Firozshahi:
(i) Wasaya-i-Sultan Balban Be

6. Abul Fazl Ain-e-Akbari:
(i) Ain-Khazina-i-Abadi
(ii) Ain-e-Shabistan-e-Iqbal
(iii) Ain-e-Manzil Dar Yurisha
(iv) Ain-e-Cheragh Afrozi

7. Sadiq-i-Hedayat:
(i) Dash Akul
(ii) Girdab

8. Mohd. Hijazi :
(i) Khudkushi
(ii) Pezeshk-e-Chashm



1. Firadausi : Shahnama :
(i) Rustam-o-Sohrab

2. Khayyam : Rubaaiyat (Radif Alif and

3. Saadi Shirazi : Bustan:
‘Dar Adl-u-Tadbir-u-Rai’

4. Amir Khusrau: Majmua-i-Diwan-e-Khusrau. (Radif Dal)

5. Maulana Rum: Mathnawi Maanawi
(First Half of Daftar Duwwum)

6. Hafiz : (Radif Alif and Dal)

7. Urfi Shirazi : Qasaaid :
(i) Iqbal-e-Karam Migazad Arbabi-Himam Ra.
(ii) Har Sukhta Jane Ki Ba Kashmir
Dar Ayad.
(iii) Sabah-e-Idd Ke Dar Takiyagah-e-Naz-u-Naeem.

8. Ghalib : Ghazaaliyat (Radif Alif)

9. Bahar Mashhadi :
(i) Jughd-e-Jung
(ii) Sukoot-e-Shab
(iii) Damawandiye
(iv) Dukhtar-e-Basra

10. Furugh-e-Farrukhzad:
(i) Dar Barabad-e-Khuda

(ii) Diw-e-Shab

11. Nimayushij :

(i) Qu

(ii) Khar-Kan

Note :- Textual portions of prose and po-etry are to be explained in Persian com-pulsorily

Civil Service Mains Optional PALI



(Pãli Language)
(N.B. All answers must be written in Pali
language in Devanãgarî or Roman Script)


1. Origin and Homeland of Pãli and its

2. Pãli Grammar-(I) Technical Terms of
Pãli Grammar-Akkhara, Sara,
Vyañjana, Niggahîta, Nãma,
Sabbanãma, Ãkhyãta, Upasagga,
Nipãta, Abyaya, (II) Kãraka, (III)
Samãsa; (IV) Sandhi; (V) Taddhita.
(Apaccabodhaka-and Ãdhikãrabo-dhaka-Paccaya); (VI) Etymological
derivation of the following words :-Buddho, Bhikkhu, Sãmanero, Satthã,
Dhammo, Latãyã, Purisãnam, Tumhe,
Amhebhi, Munina, Rattîsu, Phalãya,
Atthîsu, Raññam, Sangho.

3. Translation oftwo  Pãli unseen pas-sages into English.

4. Essays consisting of 300 words on any
one of the following :

(a) Bhagavã Buddho, (b)
Tilakkhanam, (c) Ariyo atthañgiko
maggo, (d) Cattãri ariyasaccãni, (e)
Kammavãdo (f) Paticcasamuppãdo,
(g) Nibbãnam paramam sukham, (h)
Tipitakam, (i) Dhammapadam, (j)

5. Summary of Pãli passages.

6. Explanation of Pãli verses in Pãli.

7. The meaning of following
indeclinables (Abyaya  and  Nipãta)
and their use in candidates’ own Pãli
sentences :
(I) Atha, (II) Antarã, (III) Addhã, (IV)
Kadã, (V) Kittãvatã, (VI) Ahorattam,
(VII) Divã, (VIII) Yathã, (IX) Ce, (X)
Seyyathîdam, (XI) Vinã, (XII)
Kudãcannam, (XIII) Saddhim, (XIV)
Antarena, (XV) Kho, (XVI) Mã, (XVII)
Evam, (XVIII) Ettha, (XIX) Kira, (XX)


There will be two compulsory questions
which must be answered in Pali Languege
in Devanagari or Roman Script. The re-maining questions must be attempted ei-ther in Pali or in the medium of examina-tion opted by the candidate.


(i) Life and teachings of Buddha from the
Pãli sources.

(ii) History of Pali Literature-Canonical and
Non-Canonical with reference to the fol-lowing books and authors:
Mahãvagga, Cullavagga, Pãtimokkha,
Dîgha-Nikãya, Dhammapada, Jãtaka,
Theragãthã, Therîgãthã,Dîpavamsa,
Mahãvamsa, Dãthãvamsa, Sãsanavamsa,

Milindapanha, Petakopadesa, Nettippa-karana, Buddhadatta, Buddhaghosa and


1. Textual questions, critical comments and
annotated translations would be asked
from the following prescribed texts :-(i) Dîghã-Nikãya (Only the Sãmaññaphala-Sutta)

(ii) Sutta-nipãta (Only the  Khaggavisana-Sutta and Dhaniya-Sutta)

(iii)  Dhammapada  (Only the first five

(iv)  Milindapanha(Only the  Lakkhana-panha)

(v) Mahavamsa(Only the Tatiya-Sangiti)

(vi)  Abhidhammattha-sangaha (First, Sec-ond and Sixth Chapters)

(vii) Pãli Prosody :  Vuttodaya-Anutthubha,
Indavajirã, Upendavajirã, Vasantatilakã,
Mãlinî, Sikharinî, Upajati, totaka, Dodhaka,
(viii) Pãli Rhetoric :  Subodhãlankãrã  -Yamaka, Anuppãsa, Rûpaka, Upama,
Atisayutti, Vyatireka, Nidassanã, Atthanta-ranyãsa, Dîpaka, Ditthanta.

2. Short Notes on Buddhist concepts dealt
within the prescribed texts.

3. Explanation of Pãli Verses from the pre-scribed texts.

Civil Service Mains Optional ORIYA



(Answers must be written in Oriya)

History of Oriya Language

(1) Origin and development of Oriya Lan-guage-Influence of Austric, Dravidian,
Perso-Arabic and English on Oriya

(2) Phonetics and Phonemics : Vowels,
Consonants Principles of changes in
Oriya sounds.

(3) Morphology : Morphemes (free, bound
ompound and complex), derivational
and inflectional affixes, case inflection,
conjugation of verb.

(4) Syntax : Kinds of sentences and their
transformation, structure of sentences.

(5) Semantics-Different types of change
in meaning Euphemism.

(6) Common errors in spellings, gram-matical uses and construction of sen-tences.

(7) Regional variations in Oriya Lan-guage (Western, Southern and North-ern Oriya) and Dialects (Bhatri and


History of Oriya Literature

(1) Historical backgrounds (social, cultural
and political) of Oriya Literature of dif-ferent periods.

(2) Ancient epics, ornate kavyas and

(3) Typical structural forms of Oriya Lit-erature (Koili, Chautisa, Poi,
Chaupadi, Champu).

(4) Modern trends in poetry, drama short
story, novel, essay and literary criti-cism.

(Answers must be written in Oriya)
Critical Study of texts -The paper will require first hand reading of
the text and test the critical ability of the


Poetry :

1. Sãralã Das-Shanti Parva from

2. Jaganãth Das-Bhãgãbate, XI
Skandha-Jadu Avadhuta Sambãda.

3. Dinãkrushna Dãs-Rasakallola-(Chhãndas-16 & 34)

4. Upendra Bhanja-Lãvanyabati
(Chhãndas-1 & 2)

5. Rãdhãnãth Rãy-Chandrabhãgã

6. Mãyãdhãr Mãnasinha-Jeevan Chitã

7. Satchidãnanda Routray-Kabitã-1962

8. Ramãkãnta Ratha-Saptama Ritu.

Drama :

9. Manoranjan Dãs-Kãtha-Ghodã

10. Bijay Mishra-Tata Niranjanã
Novel :

11. Fakir Mohan Senãpati-Chhamãna

12. Gopinãth Mohanty-Dãnãpãni
Short Story :

13. Surendra Mohãnty-Marãlãra Mrityu

14. Manoj Dãs-Laxmira Abhisara
Essay :

15. Chittaranjan Dãs-Taranga O Tadit
(First five essays).

16. Chandra Sekhar Rath-Mun Satya-dhãrma Kahuchhi (First five essays)

Civil Service Mains Optional NEPALI


(Answers must be written in Nepali)


1. History of the origin and development
of Nepali as one of the new Indo-Aryan Languages

2. Fundamentals of Nepali Grammar and
(i) Nominal forms and categories :-Gender, Number, Case, Adjectives,
Pronouns, Avyayas
(ii) Verbal forms and categories-Tense, Aspects, Voice, Roots and
(iii) Nepali Swara and Vyanjana;

3. Major Dialects of Nepali

4. Standardisation and Modernisation of
Nepali with special reference to lan-guage movements (viz. Halanta
Bahiskar, Jharrovad etc.)

5. Teaching of Nepali language in India-Its history and development with spe-cial reference to its socio-cultural as-pects.


1. History of Nepali literature with special
reference to its development in India.

2. Fundamental concepts and theories
of literature :
Kavya/Sahitya, Kavya Prayojan, Liter-ary genres, Shabda Shakti, Rasa,
Alankara, Tragedy, Comedy, Aesthet-ics, Stylistics.

3. Major literary trends and movements-Swachchhandatavad, Yatharthavad,
Astitwavad, Ayamik Movement, Con-temporary Nepali writings,

4. Nepali folklores (the following folk-form only)- Sawai, Jhyaurey, Selo,
Sangini, Lahari.


(Answers must be written in Nepali)
This paper will require first hand reading
of the texts prescribed below and ques-tions will be designed to test the candidate’s
critical acumen.


1. Santa Jnandil Das-Udaya Lahari

2. Lekhnath Poudyal-Tarun Tapasi
(Vishrams III, V, VI, XII, XV, XVIII only)

3. Agam Singh Giri-Jaleko Pratibimba :
Royeko Pratidhwani  (The following
poems only-rasawako Chichy-ahat-sanga Byunjheko Ek Raat, Chhorolai,
Jaleko Pratibimba : Royeko Prati-dhwani, Hamro Akashmani Pani
Hunchha Ujyalo, Tihar).

4. Haribhakta Katuwal-Yo Zindagi Khai
Ke Zindagi :(The following poems
only - Jeevan : Ek Dristi, Yo Zindagi
Khai Ke Zindagi, Akashka tara Ke
Tara, Hamilai Nirdho Nasamjha, Khai
Many-ata Yahan Atmahutiko Balidan

5. Balkrishna Sama-Prahlad

6. Manbahadur Mukhia-Andhyaroma
Banchneharu(The following One-Act plays only-‘Andhyaroma
Banchneharu’, ‘Suskera’).


1. Indra Sundas-Sahara

2. Lilbahadur Chhetri-Brahmaputrako

3. Rupnarayan Sinha-Katha Navaratna
(The following stories only-Biteka
Kura, Jimmewari Kasko, Dhanamatiko
Cinema-Swapna, Vidhwasta Jeevan).

4. Indrabahadur Rai-Vipana Katipaya
(The following stories only-Raatbhari
Huri Chalyo, Jayamaya Aphumatra
Lekha-pani Aipugi, Bhagi, Ghosh
Babu, Chhutyaiyo).
5. Sanu Lama-Katha Sampad(The fol-lowing stories only-Swasni Manchhey,
Khani Tarma Ekdin, Phurbale Gaun
Chhadyo, Asinapo Manchhey).

6. Laxmi Prasad Devkota-Laxmi
Nibandha Sangraha(The following
essays only-Sri Ganeshaya Namah,
Nepali Sahityako Itihasma
Sarvashrestha Purus, Kalpana, Kala Ra
Jeevan, Gadha Buddhiman Ki Guru).

7. Ramkrishna Sharma-Das Gorkha
(The following essays only-Kavi,
Samaj Ra Sahitya, Sahityama
Sapekshata, Sahityik Ruchiko
Praudhata, Nepali Sahityako Pragati)

Civil Service Mains Optional MARATHI



(Answers must be written in Marathi)

Language and Folk-Iore :

(a) Nature and Functions of Language (with
reference to Marathi)
Language as a signifying system : Langue
and Parole; Basic functions; Poetic lan-guage; Standard Language and dialect;
Language variations according to social
Linguistic features of Marathi in thirteenth
century and seventeenth century.

(b) Dialects of Marathi
Ahirani; Varhadi; Dangi

(c) Marathi Grammar
Parts of Speech; Case-system;
Prayog-vichar (Voice)

(d) Nature and kinds of Folk-lore
(with special reference to Marathi)
Lok-Geet, Lok Katha, Lok Natya

History of Literature and Literary Criti-cism:

(a) History of Marathi Literature
1. From beginning to 1818 AD, with special
reference to the following : The
Mahanubhava writers, the Varkari poets, the
Pandit poets, the Shahirs, Bakhar literature.

2. From 1850 to 1990, with special refer-ence to developments in the following
major forms : Poetry, Fiction (Novel and
Short Story), Drama; and major literary cur-rents and movements, Romantic, Realist,
Modernist, Dalit Gramin, Feminist.

(b)  Literary Criticism
1. Nature and function of Literature;
2. Evaluation of Literature;
3. Nature, Objectives and Methods of Criti-cism;
4. Literature, Culture and Society.


(Answers must be written in Marathi)
Textual study of prescribed literary
The paper will require first-hand reading
of the texts prescribed and will be designed
to test the candidate’s critical ability.



(1) ‘Smritishala’

(2) Mahatma Jotiba Phule
“Shetkaryacha Asud;
‘Sarvajanik Satyadharma’

(3) S.V. Ketkar

(4) P.K. Atre
‘Sashtang Namaskar’

(5) Sharchchandra Muktibodh
‘Jana Hey Volatu Jethe’

(6) Uddhav Shelke

(7) Baburao Bagul
‘Jevha Mi Jaat Chorli Hoti’

(8) Gouri Deshpande
‘Ekek Paan Galavaya’

(9) P.I. Sonkamble
‘Athavaninche Pakshi



(1) Namadevanchi Abhangawani’
Ed: Inamdar, Relekar, Mirajkar
Modern Book Depot, Pune

(2) ‘Painjan’
Ed : M.N. Adwant
Sahitya Prasar Kendra, Nagpur

(3) ‘Damayanti-Swayamvar’
By Raghunath Pandit

(4) ‘Balakvinchi Kavita’
By Balkavi

(5) ‘Vishakha’
By Kusumagraj

(6) ‘Mridgandh’
By Vinda Karandikar

(7) ‘Jahirnama’
By Narayan Surve

(8) ‘Sandhyakalchya Kavita’
By Grace

(9) ‘Ya Sattet Jeev Ramat Nahi’
By Namdev Dhasal

Civil Service Mains Optional MANIPURI



(Answers must be written in Manipuri)

Language :

a) General characteristics of Manipuri Lan-guage and history of its development; its
importance and status among the Tibeto-Burman Languages of North-East India;
recent development in the study of
Manipuri language; evolution and study of
old Manipuri script.

b) Significant features of Manipuri lan-guage :
i) Phonology-Phoneme-vowels, conso-nants juncture, tone, consonant cluster and
its occurrence, syllable-its structure, pat-tern and types.
ii) Morphology : Word-class, root and its
types; affix and its types; grammatical cat-egories-gender, number, person, case,
tense and aspects, process of compound-ing (samas and sandhi).
iii) Syntax : Word order : types of sentences,
pharse and clause structures.

a) Literary History of Manipuri :
Early period (upto 17th century)-Social
and cultural background; Themes, diction
and style of the works.
Medieval period (18th and 19th century)-Social, religious and political background;
Themes, diction and style of the works.
Modern period-Growth of major literary
forms; change of Themes, diction and style.

b) Manipuri Folk Literature :
Legend, Folktale, Folksong, Ballad, Prov-erb and Riddle.

c) Aspects of Manipuri Culture :
Pre-Hindu Manipuri Faith; Advent of Hin-duism and the process of syncreticism.
Performing arts-Lai Haraoba, Maha Ras;
Indegenous games-Sagol Kangjei, Khong
Kangjei, Kang.


(Answers must be written in Manipuri)
This paper will require first hand reading
of the texts prescribed and will be designed
to test the candidate’s critical ability to as-sess them.

Old and Medieval Manipuri Literature
(a) Old Manipuri Literature

1. O. Bhogeswar Singh (Ed.) :
Numit Kappa

2. M. Gourachandra Singh (Ed.) :
Thawanthaba Hiran

3. N. Khelchandra Singh (Ed.) :
Naothingkhong Phambal Kaba

4. M. Chandra Singh (Ed.) :
Panthoibi Khonggul
(b) Medieval Manipuri Literature :

1. M. Chandra Singh (Ed.)
: Samsok Ngamba

2. R.K.Snahal Singh (Ed.) :
Ramayana Adi Kanda

3. N. Khelchandra SIngh (Ed.) :
Dhananjoy Laibu Ningba

4. O. Bhogeswar Singh (Ed.) :
Chandrakirti Jila Changba

Modern Manipuri Literature :

(a) Poetry and Epic :

(I) Poetry :

(a) Manipuri Sheireng (Pub) Manipuri
Sahitya Parishad, 1988 (ed.)
Kh. Chaoba Singh : Pi Thadoi, Lamgi
Chekla Amada,
Dr. L. Kamal Singh : Nirjanata, Nirab

A. Minaketan Singh : Kamalda,
L. Samarendra Singh : Ingagi Nong,
Mamang Leikai
Thambal Satle
E. Nilakanta Singh : Manipur,
Shri Biren : Tangkhul Hui
Th. Ibopishak : Anouba Thunglaba

(b) Kanchi Sheireng. (Pub) Manipur
University 1998
Dr. L. Kamal Singh : Biswa-Prem
Shri Biren : Chaphadraba Laigi
Th. Ibopishak : Norok Patal Prithivi

(II) Epic :
1. A. Dorendrajit Singh : Kansa Bodha
2. H. Anganghal Singh : Khamba-Thoibi
Sheireng (San-Senba, Lei Langba,
Shamu Khonggi

(III) Drama :
1. S. Lalit Singh : Areppa Marup
2. G.C. Tongbra : Matric Pass
3. A. Samarendra : Judge Sahebki

(b) Novel, Short-story and Prose :
(I) Novel :
1. Dr. L. Kamal Singh : Madhabi
2. H. Anganghal Singh : Jahera
3. H. Guno Singh : Laman
4. Pacha Meetei : Imphal Amasung,
Magi Ishing,
Nungsitki Phibam

(II) Short-story :

(a) Kanchi Warimacha (Pub) Manipur
University 1997
R.K. Shitaljit Singh : Kamala Kamala
M.K. Binodini : Eigi Thahoudraba
Heitup Lalu
Kh. Prakash : Wanom Shareng

(b) Parishadki Khangatlaba Warimacha
(Pub) Manipuri
Sahitya Parishad
1994 (ed.)
S. Nilbir Shastri :
R.K. Elangba : Karinunggi

(c) Anouba Manipuri Warimacha (Pub)
The Cultural Forum
Manipur 1992 (ed.)
N. Kunjamohon Singh : Ijat Tanba
E. Dinamani : Nongthak

(III) Prose :
(a) Warenggi Saklon [Due Part (Pub) The
Cultural Forum
Manipur 1992 (ed.)
Kh. Chaoba Singh : Khamba-Thoibigi
Wari Amasung
(b) Kanchi Wareng (Pub) Manipur
University 1998

B. Manisana Shastri : Phajaba
Ch. Manihar Singh : Lai-Haraoba

(c) Apunba Wareng. (Pub) Manipur
University, 1986
Ch. Pishak Singh : Samaj Amasung,
M.K. Binodini : Thoibidu
Eric Newton : Kalagi Mahousa
(translated by I.R.

(d) Manipuri Wareng (Pub) The Cultural
Forum Manipur
1999 (ed.)

S. Krishnamohan Singh : Lan

Civil Service Mains Optional MALAYALAM



(Answers must be written in Malayalam)

Unit 1-Early phase of Malayalam

1.1 Various theories: origin from proto
Dravidian, Tamil, Sanskrit.

1.2 Relation between Tamil and
Malayalam: Six nayas of A.R.

1.3 Pattu school-definition, Ramachari-tam, later pattu works-Niranam works and

Unit 2-Linguistic features of :

2.1 Manipravalam-definition. Language of
early manipravala works-Champu,
Sandesakavya, Chandrotsava, minor
works. Later Manipravala works-medieval
Champu and Attakkatha.

2.2 Folklore-Southern and Northern bal-lads, Mappila songs.

2.3 Early Malayalam prose-Bhashakau-taliyam, Brahmandapuranam, Attap-rakaram, Kramadipika and Nambiantamil.

Unit 3-Standardisation of Malayalam:

3.1 Peculairities of the language of Pana,
Kilippattu and Tullal.

3.2 Contributions of indigenous and Eu-ropean missionaries to Malayalam.

3.3 Characteristics of contemporary
Malayalam : Malayalam as administravie
language. Language of scientific and tech-nical literature-media language.

Literary History

Unit-4 Ancient and Medieval Literature:

4.1 Pattu-Ramacharitam, Niranam works
and Krishnagatha.

4.2 Manipravalam-early and medieval
manipravala works including attakkatha
and champu.

4.3 Folk literature.

4.4 Kilippattu, Tullal and Mahakavya.

Unit 5- Modern Literature-Poerty:

5.1 Venmani poets and contemporaries.

5.2 The advent of Romanticism-Poerty of
Kavitraya i.e., Asan, Ulloor and Vallathol

5.3 Poetry after Kavitraya.

5.4 Modernism in Malayalam poetry.

Unit 6- Modern Literature-Prose:

6.1 Drama

6.2 Novel

6.3 Short story

6.4 Biography, travelogue, essay and criti-cism.


(Answers must be written in Malayalam)
This paper will require first hand reading
of the texts prescribed and is designed
to test the candidate's critical ability.


Unit 1
1.1 Ramacharitam-Patalam 1.

1.2 Kannassaramayanam-Balakandam
first 25 stanzas.

1.3 Unnunilisandesam-Purvabhagam 25
slokas including Prastavana

1.4 Mahabharatham Kilippattu


Unit 2
2.1 Kumaran Asan-Chintavisthayaya Sita.

2.2 Vailoppilli-Kutiyozhikkal.

2.3 G. Sankara Kurup-Perunthachan.

2.4 N.V. Krishna Variar-Tivandiyile Pattu.

Unit 3

3.1 ONV -Bhumikkoru Charamagitam

3.2 Ayyappa Panicker-Kurukshetram.

3.3 Akkittam-Pandatha Messanthi

3.4 Attur Ravivarma-Megharupan.


Unit 4

4.1 O. Chanthu Menon-Indulekha

4.2 Thakazhy-Chemmin.

4.3 O V Vijayan-Khasakkinte Ithihasam.

Unit 5

5.1 MT Vasudevan Nair-Vanaprastham

5.2 N S Madhavan-Higvitta (Collection).

5.3 C J. Thomas-1128-il Crime 27.

Unit 6

6.1 Kuttikrishna Marar-Bharataparyat-anam

6.2 M.  K  Sanu-Nakshatrangalute

6.3 V.T. Bhattathirippad-Kannirum

Civil Service Mains Optional MAITHILI



History of Maithili Language and its

(Answer to be written in Maithili)


History of Maithili Language

1. Place of Maithili in Indo-European lan-guage family.

2. Origin and development of Maithili lan-guage. (Sanskrit, Prakrit, Avhatt,

3. Periodic division of Maithili Language.
(Beginning, Middle era, Modern era)

4. Maithili and its different dialects.

5. Relationship between Maithili and
other Eastern languages (Bengali,
Assamese, Oriya).

6. Origin and development of Tirhuta

7. Pronouns and Verbs in Maithili Lan-guage.


History of Maithili Literature

1. Background of Maithili Literature (Re-ligious, economic, social, cultural).

2. Periodic division of Maithili literature.

3. Pre-Vidyapati Literature.

4. Vidyapati and his tradition.

5. Medieval Maithili Drama (Kirtaniya
Natak, Ankai Nat, Maithili dramas writ-ten in Nepal).

6. Maithili Folk Literature (Folk Tales, Folk
Drama, Folk Stories, Folk Songs).

7. Development of different literary forms
in modern era.
(a) Prabandh-kavya
(b) Muktak-kavya
(c) Novel
(d) Short Story
(e) Drama
(f) Essay
(g) Criticism
(h) Memoirs
(i) Translation

8. Development of Maithili Magazines
and Journals.

(Answers must be written in Maithili)
The paper will require first-hand reading
of the prescribed texts and will test the criti-cal ability of the candidates.

1. Vidyapati Geet-Shati-Publisher : Sahitya
Akademi, New Delhi (Lyrics- 1 to 50)

2. Govind Das Bhajanavali-Publisher :
Maithili Academy, Patna (Lyrics - 1 to

3. Krishnajanm - Manbodh

4. Mithilabhasha Ramayana - Chanda
Jha (only Sunder-Kand)

5. Rameshwar Charit Mithila Ramayan -Lal Das (only Bal-kand)

6. Keechak-Vadh-Tantra Nath Jha.

7. Datta-Vati-Surendra Jha 'Suman' (only
1st and 2nd Cantos).

8. Chitra-Yatri

9. Samakaleen Maithili Kavita - Publisher
: Sahitaya Akademi, New Delhi.


10. Varna Ratnakar - Jyotirishwar (only
2nd Kallol)

11. Khattar Kakak Tarang - Hari Mohan

12. Lorik-Vijaya-Manipadma

13. Prithvi Putra-Lalit

14. Bhaphait Chahak Jinagi-Sudhanshu
'Shekar' Choudhary.

15. Kirti Rajkamlak-Publisher : Maithili
Academy, Patna (First Ten Stories

16. Katha-Sangrah-Publisher : Maithili
Academy, Patna.

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Civil Service Mains Optional KONKANI



(Answers must be written in Konkani)


History of the Konkani Language :

(i) Origin and development of the language
and influences on it.

(ii) Major variants of Konkani and their lin-guistic features.

(iii) Grammatical and lexicographic work
in Konkani, including a study of cases, ad-verbs, indeclinables and voices.

(iv) Old Standard Konkani, new Standard
and standardisation problems.

History of Konkani literature:
Candidates would be expected to be well-acquainted with Konkani literature and its
social and cultural background and con-sider the problems and issues arising out
of them.

(i) History of Konkani literature from its prob-able source to the present times, with em-phasis on its major works, writers and

(ii) Social and cultural background of the
making of Konkani literature from time to time.

(iii) Indian and Western influences on
Konkani literature from the earliest to mod-ern times.

(iv) Modern literary trends in the various
genres and regions including a study of
Konkani folklore.

(Answers must be written in Konkani)
Textual Criticism of Konkani Literature
The paper will be designed to test the
canidate's critical and analytical abilities.
Candidates would be expected to be well-acquainted with Konkani Literature and
required to have a first-hand reading of the
following texts:

1. a) Konkani Mansagangotri (excluding
poetry) ed. by Prof. Olivinho Gomes
b) Old Konkani language and litera-ture-the Portuguese Role

2. a) Otmo Denvcharak-a novel by A.V
da Cruz.
b) Vadoll ani Varem-A novel by Anto-nio Pereira.
c) Devache Kurpen-a novel by V J P

3. a) Vajralikhani-Shenoy Goem-bab-An
anthology-ed. by Shantaram Varde
b) Konkani Lalit Niband-Essays-ed. by
Shyam Verenkar
c) Teen Dasakam-An lAnthology-ed.
by Chandrakant Keni

4. a) Demand-Drama-by Pundalik Naik
b) Kadambini- A miscellany of mod-ern Prose-ed. by Prof. OJF Gomes &
Smt. P.S. Tadkodkar.
c) Ratha Tujeo Ghudieo-by Smt.
Jayanti Naik.



1. a) Ev ani Mori: Poetry by Eduardo
Bruno de Souza.
b) Abravanchem Yadnyadan-by Luis

2. a) Godde R.K. Rao
b) Ratnahar I &II-collection of poems-ed. R.V. Pandit.

3. a) Zayo Zuyo-poems-Manohar L.
b) Kanadi Mati Konkani Kavi-Anthol-ogy of Poems-ed. Pratap Naik.

4. a) Adrushatache Kalle-Poems by
Pandurang Bhangui.
b) Yaman-Poems by Madhav Borkar

Civil Service Mains Optional KASHMIRI



(Answers must be written in Kashmiri)

1. Genealogical relationship of the
Kashmiri language: various theories.

2. Areas of occurrence and dialects (geo-graphical/social)

3. Phonology and grammar:
i. Vowel and consonant system;
ii. Nouns and pronouns with various
case inflections;
iii. Verbs: various types and tenses.

4. Syntactic structure:
i. Simple , active and declarative
ii. Coordination;
iii. Relativisation.


1. Kashmiri literature in the 14th century
(Socio-cultural and intellectual back-ground with special reference to Lal
Dyad and Sheikhul Alam)

2. Nineteenth century Kashmiri literature
(development of various genres:
vatsun; ghazal; and mathnavi).

3. Kashmiri literature in the first half of
the twentieth century (with special ref-erence to Mahjoor and Azad; various
literary influences).

4. Modern Kashmiri literature (with spe-cial refernece to the development of
the short story, drama, novel and


(Answers must be written in Kashmiri)
1. Intensive study of Kashmiri poetry upto
the nineteenth century:

i) Lal Dyad

ii) Sheikhul Aalam

iii) Habba Khatoon

2. Kashmiri poetry: 19th Century

i) Mahmood Gami (Vatsans)

ii) Maqbool Shah (Gulrez)

iii) Rasool Mir (Ghazals)

iv) Abdul Ahad Nadim (N'at)

v) Krishanjoo Razdan (Shiv Lagun)

vi) Sufi Poets (Text in Sanglaab, pub-lished by the Deptt. of Kashmiri, Uni-versity of Kashmir)

3. Twentieth Century Kashmiri poetry
(text in Azich Kashir Shairi, published
by the Deptt. of Kashmiri, University of

4. Literary criticism and research work:
development and various trends.


1. An analytical study of the short story in
i)  Afsana Majmu'a,  published by the

Deptt. of Kashmiri, University of Kash-mir.

ii)  Kashur Afsana Az,published by the
Sahitya Akademi

iii)  Hamasar Kashur Afsana, published
by the Sahitya Akademi
The following short story writers only:
Akhtar Mohi-ud-Din, Kamil, Hari Krishan
Kaul, Hraday Kaul Bharti, Bansi Nirdosh,
Gulshan Majid.

2. Novel in Kashmiri:

i) Mujrimby G.N. Gowhar

ii) Marun-IvanIlyichun, (Kashmiri ver-sion of Tolstoy's The Death of Ivan Iiyich
(Published by Kashmiri Deptt).

3. Drama in Kashmiri

i)  Natuk Kariv Band,by Hari Krishan

ii) Qk Angy Natuk,ed. Motilal Keemu.
published by Sahitya Akademi.

iii)  Razi Oedipus,tr. Naji Munawar,
published by Sahitya Akademi.

4. Kashmiri Folk Literature:

i) Kashur LukiTheatre by Mohammad
Subhan Bhagat, published by Deptt.
of Kashmiri, University of Kashmir.

ii)  Kashiry Luki Beeth (all volumes) pub-lished by the J & K Cultural Academy

Civil Service Mains Optional KANNADA


(Answers must be written in Kannada)

A. History of Kannada Language
What is Language? General
charecteristics of Language. Dravidian
Family of Languages and its specific
features, Antiquity of Kannada Lan-guage, Different Phases of its Develop-ment.
Dialects of Kannada Language :
Regional and Social Various aspects of
development of Kannada Language :
phonological and Semantic changes.
Language borrowing.

B. History of Kannada Literature
Ancient Kannada literature : Influence
and Trends. Poets for study : Specified
poets from Pampa to Ratnakara Varni are
to be studied in the light of contents, form
and expression : Pampa, Janna,
Medieval Kannada literature : Influence
and Trends.
Vachana literature : Basavanna, Akka
Medieval Poets : Harihara, Ragha-vanka,
Dasa literature : Purandra and Kanaka.
Sangataya : Ratnakaravarni

C. Modern Kannada literature :
Influence, trends and idealogies,
Navodaya, Pragatishila, Navya, Dalita and


A. Poetics and literary criticism :
Definition and concepts of poetry :
Word, Meaning, Alankara, Reeti, Rasa,
Dhwani, Auchitya.
Interpretations of Rasa Sutra.
Modern Trends of literary criticism :
Formalist, Historical, Marxist, Feminist,
Post-colonial criticism.

B. Cultural History of Karnataka
Contribution of Dynasties to the culture
of Karnataka : Chalukyas of Badami and
Kalyani, Rashtrakutas, Hoysalas,
Vijayanagara rulers, in literary context.
Major religions of Karnataka and their
cultural contributions.
Arts of Karnataka : Sculpture, Architec-ture, Painting, Music, Dance-in the literary
Unification of Karnataka and its impact
on Kannada literature.

(Answers must be written in Kannada)
The paper will require first-hand reading
of the Texts prescribed and will be de-signed to test the critical ability of the can-didates.



1. Vikramaarjuna Vijaya of Pampa (can-tos 12 & 13), (Mysore University Pub.)

2. Vaddaraadhane (Sukumaraswamyia
Kathe, Vidyutchorana Kathe)


1. Vachana Kammata, Ed: K.
Marulasiddappa K.R. Nagaraj (Ban-galore University Pub.)

2. Janapriya Kanakasamputa, Ed. D.
Javare Gowda (Kannada and Culture
Directorate, Bangalore)

3. Nambiyannana Ragale, Ed., T.N.
Sreekantaiah (Ta.Vem. Smaraka
Grantha Male, Mysore)

4. Kumaravyasa Bharata : Karna Parva
(Mysore University)

5. Bharatesha Vaibhava Sangraha Ed. Ta.
Su. Shama Rao (Mysore University)

1. Poetry : Hosagannada Kavite, Ed :

G.H. Nayak (Kannada Saahitya
Parishattu, Bangalore)

2. Novel : Bettada Jeeva-Shivarama
Karanta Madhavi-Arupama Niranjana
Odalaala-Devanuru Mahadeva

3. Short Story : Kannada Sanna
Kathegalu, Ed. G.H. Nayak (Sahitya
Academy, New Delhi).

4. Drama : Shudra Tapaswi-Kuvempu.
Tughlak-Girish Karnad.
5. Vichara Saahitya : Devaru-A.N. Moorty
Rao (Pub : D.V.K. Moorty, Mysore.)

1. Janapada Swaroopa-Dr. H.M. Nayak.
(Ta. Vem. Smaraka Grantha Male,

2. Janapada Geetaanjali-Ed.D. Javare
Gowda. (Pub : Sahitya Academy, New

3. Kannada Janapada Kathegalu-Ed.
J.S. Paramashivaiah, (Mysore Univer-sity.)

4. Beedi Makkalu Beledo. Ed.
Kalegowda Nagavara (Pub : Banga-lore University.)

5. Savirada Ogatugalu-Ed : S.G.

Civil Service Mains Optional HINDI



(Answers must be written in Hindi)

1. History of Hindi Language and
Nagari Lipi.

I. Grammatical and applied forms of
Apbhransh, Awahatta & Arambhik

II. Development of Braj and Awadhi as
literary language during medieval pe-riod.

III. Early form of Khari-boli in Siddha-Nath
Sahitya, Khusero, Sant Sahitaya,
Rahim etc. and Dakhni Hindi.

IV. Development of Khari-boli and Nagari
Lipi during 19th Century.

V. Standardisation of Hindi Bhasha &
Nagari Lipi.

VI. Development of Hindi as national Lan-guage during freedom movement.

VII. The development of Hindi as a Na-tional Language of Union of India.

VIII. Scientific & Technical development of
Hindi Language.

IX. Prominent dialects of Hindi and their
inter- relationship.

X. Salient features of Nagari Lipi and the
efforts for its reform & Standard form of

XI. Grammatical structure of Standard


2. History of Hindi Literature.

I.The relevance and importance of Hindi
literature and tradition of writing History of
Hindi Literature.

II.Literary trends of the following four peri-ods of history of Hindi Literature.
A. Adikal-Sidh, Nath and Raso Sahitya.
Prominent poets-Chandvardai,
Khusaro, Hemchandra, Vidyapati.
B.  Bhaktikal-Sant Kavyadhara, Sufi
Kavyadhara, Krishna Bhaktidhara and
Ram Bhaktidhara.
Prominent Poets-Kabir, Jayasi, Sur &
C.Ritikal-Ritikavya, Ritibaddhakavya & Riti
Mukta Kavya.
Prominent Poets-Keshav, Bihari,
Padmakar and Ghananand.
D.Adhunik Kal
a. Renaissance, the development of Prose,
Bharatendu Mandal.
b. Prominent Writers : Bharatendu, Bal
Krishna Bhatt & Pratap Narain Mishra.
c. Prominent trends of modern Hindi Po-etry : Chhayavad, Pragativad, Proyogvad,
Nai Kavita, Navgeet and Contemporary
poetry and Janvadi Kavita.
Prominent Poets : Maithili Sharan
Gupta, Prasad, Nirala, Mahadevi, Dinkar,
Agyeya, Muktibodh, Nagarjun.

III. Katha Sahitya
A. Upanyas & Realism
B. The origin and development of Hindi
C. Prominent Novelists : Premchand,
Jainendra, Yashpal, Renu and Bhism
D. The origin and development of Hindi
short story.
E. Prominent short Story Writers :
Premchand, Prasad, Agyeya, Mohan
Rakesh & Krishna Shobti.

IV. Drama & Theatre
A. The origin & Development of Hindi
B. Prominent Dramatists : Bharatendu,
Prasad, Jagdish Chandra Mathur, Ram
Kumar Verma, Mohan Rakesh.
C. The development of Hindi Theatre.

V. Criticism
A. The origin and development of Hindi
criticism : Saiddhantik, Vyavharik,
Pragativadi, Manovishleshanvadi & Nai
B. Prominent critics : Ramchandra
Shukla, Hajari Prasad Dwivedi, Ram Vilas
Sharma & Nagendra.
VI. The other forms of Hindi prose-Lalit
Nibandh, Rekhachitra, Sansmaran, Yatra-vrittant.

(Answers must be written in Hindi)
This paper will require first hand reading
of prescribed texts and will test the critical
ability of the candidates.


1. Kabir : Kabir Granthawali, Ed,
Shyam Sundar Das (First
hundred Sakhis.)

2. Surdas : Bhramar Gitsar, Ed.
Ramchandra Shukla (First
hundred Padas)

3. Tulsidas : Ramchrit Manas (Sundar
Kand) Kavitawali (Uttar

4. Jayasi : Padmawat Ed. Shyam
Sundar Das (Sinhal Dwip
Khand & Nagmativiyog

5. Bihari : Bihari Ratnakar Ed.
Jagnnath Prasad
Ratnakar (First 100

6. Maithili : Bharat Bharati

7. Prasad : Kamayani (Chinta and
Sharddha Sarg)

8. Nirala : Rag-Virag, Ed. Ram Vilas
Sharma (Ram Ki Shakti
Puja & Kukurmutta).

9. Dinkar : Kurushetra

10. Agyeya : Angan Ke Par Dwar
(Asadhya Vina)

11. Muktiboth: Brahma Rakshas

12. Nagarjun : Badal Ko Ghirte Dekha
Hai, Akal Ke Bad, Harijan


1. Bharatendu : Bharat Durdasha

2. Mohan Rakesh : Ashad Ka Ek Din

3. Ramchandra Shukla : Chintamani
(Part I)
(Kavita Kya Hai] Shraddha
Aur Bhakti)

4. Dr. Satyendra : Nibandh Nilaya-Bal
Krishna Bhatt,
Premchand, Gulab Rai,
Hajari Prasad Dwivedi,
Ram Vilas Sharma,
Agyeya, Kuber Nath Rai.

5. Premchand : Godan, Premchand ki
Kahaniyan, Ed. Amrit Rai/
Manjusha - Prem Chand ki
Sarvashreshtha Kahani-yan, Ed. Amrit Rai.

6. Prasad : Skandgupta

7. Yashpal : Divya

8. Phaniswar Nath Renu : Maila Anchal

9. Mannu Bhandari : Mahabhoj

10. Rajendra Yadav : Ek Dunia
Samanantar (All Stories)

Civil Service Mains Optional GUJARATI


(Answers must be written in Gujarati)

Gujarati Language : Form and history

1. History of Gujarati Language with spe-cial reference to New Indo-Aryan i.e.
last one thousand years.

2. Significant features of the Gujarati lan-guage: Phonology, morphology and

3. Major dialects: Surti, Pattani, charotari
and Saurashtri.

History of Gujarati Literature
Medieval :

4. Jaina tradition

5. Bhakti tradition: Sagun and Nirgun

6. Non-sectarian tradition (Laukik

7. Sudharak yug

8. Pandit yug

9. Gandhi yug

10. Anu-Gandhi yug

11. Adhunik yug

Literary Forms :(Salient features, history
and development of the following literary
(a) Medieval
1. Narratives: Rasa, Akhyan and

2. Lyrical: Pada
(b) Folk

3. Bhavai
(c) Modern

4. Fiction: Novel and short story

5. Drama

6. Literary Essay

7. Lyrical Poetry
(d) Criticism

8. History of theoretical Gujarati criticism

9. Recent research in folk tradition.


(Answers must be written in Gujarati)
The paper will require first hand reading
of the texts prescribed and will be designed
to test the critical ability of the candidate.


1. Medieval
(i) Vasantvilas phagu-AJNATKRUT
(ii) Kadambari-BHALAN
(iii) Sudamacharitra-PREMANAND
(iv) Chandrachandravatini varta-SHAMAL
(v) Akhegeeta-AKHO

2. Sudharakyug & Pandityug

(vi) Mari Hakikat-NARMADASHANKAR

(vii) Farbasveerah-  DALPATRAM

(viii) Saraswatichandra-Part-I  GOVAR-


(ix) Purvalap-  'KANT' (MANISHANKAR



1. Gandhiyug & Anu Gandhiyug


(ii) Patanni Prabhuta-  KANHAIYALAL

(iii) Kavyani Shakti-  RAMNARAYAN

(iv) Saurashtrani Rasdhar Part 1- ZAVER-CHAND MEGHANI

(v) Manvini Bhavai-PANNALAL PATEL


2. Adhunik yug

(vii) Saptapadi-UMASHANKAR JOSHI

(viii) Janantike-SURESH JOSHI


Civil Service Mains Optional GERMAN



Answers must be written in German


1. Structure of Language :
Candidates are expected to have a thor-ough knowledge of German grammar with
reference to specific aspects such as word
order, syntactic structures and semantics.

2. Essay in German :
Candidates are expected to demonstrate
command over techniques of written ex-pression in German by writing an essay on
a contemporary topic of a general nature.


1. Translation of a text of a general na-ture from English into German.

2.Socio-political and cultural history of
Germany from the 18th century onwards
with special reference to :
a. Impact of Enlightenment on German
society and culture
b. The impact of Prussian culture on Ger-many.
c. Cultural debates in the Weimar Re-public.
d. The concept of culture under National
Socialism in Germany.
e. The development of two German lit-eratures and cultures after 1945.
f. Reunification of Germany and the
problems of cultural pluralism.
g. The role and relevance of German lan-guage and literature in the European


(Answers must be written in German)

1.  Development of German literature
from the 19th century to the present.
Candidates should know the main trends,
representative authors and their important
works. The emphasis is not on collecting
information on works and authors, but the
candidate is expected to identify features
of a literary epoch on the basis of repre-sentative texts.

2. The Study of literary genres.
Candidates must be aware of the charac-

teristic features of the different genres like
Roman, Novelle, Drama, Ballade, Elegie,
Marchen, Fabein, Kurzgeschichte.


1.  Perceptions of Literary Interpretation.
Candidates should be aware of various
approaches to a critical understanding of

2.Study of Selected Texts.
a. Goethe : Die Leiden des jungen Werther.
b. Schiller : Maria Stuart.
c. Eichendorff. Gedichte.
d. Gottfried Keller : Kleider machen Leute.
e. Thomas Mann : Die vertauschten Kopfe.
f. Franz Kafka : Vor Dem Gesetz.
g. Friedrich Durrenmatt : Die Physiker.
h. Max Frisch : Andorra.
i. Heinrich Boll : Die verlorence Ehre der
Katharina Blum.
j. Ingeborg Bachmann : Alles (aus dem
Erzahlband :
Das dreBigste
k. Rose Auslander : Gedichte.
l. Christa Wolf : Der geteilte Himmel.
m. Gunter Grass : Zunge zeigen

Civil Service Mains Optional FRENCH


Answers must be written in French ex-cept in the case of question requiring
translation from French to English.


1. Main trends in French Literature
a) Classicism
b) Rommanticism
c) Realism

2. Art in France
a) Romanticism
b) Realism
c) Impressionism

3. The Vth Republic
(a) De Gaulle and the Vth Republique
(b) May 1968
(c) Pompidou
(d) Giscard d' Estaing
(e) Mitterrand
(f) Chirac

4. Translation : French to English (2 pas-sages of socio-politico-economic na-ture of 200 words each).

1. Main trends in French Literature
a) Symbolism
b) Surrealism
c) Theatre of the Absurd
2. Art in French
a) Surrealism
b) Cubism
c) Abstract Painting

3. The Vth Republic
a) Parts politiques en France
b) Place et rôle du Président de la Ve
c) Le gouvernement
d) Le Parlement
e) Le Senat

4. Translation : English to French 2 pas-sages of socio-politico-economic na-ture of 200 words each.


Answers must be written in French

This paper will require an in-depth read-ing of the following texts and the questions
will be designed to test the candidate’s criti-cal ability.

1. XVIIth Century
a) Corneille : Le Cid
b) Racine : Andromaque
c) Moliere : L’Avare

2. XVIIIth Century
Beaumarchais: Le Mariage de Figaro

3. XIXth Century
a) Lamartine : Le lac Le Vallon
b) Victor Hugo : La Conscience. Elle
Avait Pris Ce Pli.....
Demain, Dés L' Aube
c) Victor Hugo :  Hernani
d) Musset : Souvenir. La Nuit de
e) Marimee : Colomba
f) Balzac : Eugenie Grandet
g) Flaubert : Madame Bovary
h) Baudelaire : L’Invitation au Voy-age, Recueillement.

i) Rimbaud : Le Dormeur du Val
j) Verlaine : Chanson d’Automne,
Mon Reve Familier, II
Pleure Dans mon

4. XXth Century
a) Appolinaire : Nuit Rhenane, Le
Pont Mirabeau
b) Jacques Prevert : Pour Faire Le
Portrait d’Un Oiseau,
c) Paul Eluard : Liberte
d) Paul Valery : Les Pas, La Fileuse
e) Andre Gide : La Symphonie
f) Camus : L’Etranger
g) Sartre : Les Mains Sales
h) Lonesco : Rhinoceros
Francophonie :
a) Gerard Besette : Le Libraire
b) Ananda Devi : Le Voile de
c) Cheikh Hamidou :  L’Aventure
Kane   Ambigiüe
d) Abdellatif Laabi : Poemes en
1. L’Arbre a
du Monde)
2. Les Reves
mourir sur
la page
du Monde)

5. Essay of general nature on a contempo-rary theme

Civil Service Mains Optional ENGLISH


The syllabus consists of two papers, de-signed to test a first-hand and critical read-ing of texts prescribed from the following
periods in English Literature : Paper I :
1600-1900 and Paper II : 1900-1990.
There will be two compulsory questions in
each paper : a) A short-notes question re-lated to the topics for general study, and b)
A critical analysis of UNSEEN passages
both in prose and verse.

Answers must be written in English.
Texts for detailed study are listed below.
Candidates will also be required to show
adequate knowledge of the following top-ics and movements :
The Renaissance : Elizabethan and Jaco-bean Drama; Metaphysical Poetry; The
Epic and the Mock-epic; Neo-classicism;
Satire; The Romantic Movement; The Rise
of the Novel; The Victorian Age.


1. William Shakespeare :King Learand
The Tempest.

2. John Donne. The following poems :
- Canonization;
- Death be not proud;
- The Good Morrow;
- On his Mistress going to bed;

- The Relic;

3. John Milton :  Paradise Lost,I, II, IV, IX

4. Alexander Pope.  The Rape of the

5. William Wordsworth. The following po-ems:
- Ode on Intimations of Immortality.
- Tintern Abbey.
- Three years she grew.
- She dwelt among untrodden
- Michael.
- Resolution and Independence.
- The World is too much with us.
- Milton, thou shouldst be living at
this hour.
- Upon Westminster Bridge.

6. Alfred Tennyson : In Memoriam.

7. Henrik Ibsen : A Doll’s House.


1. Jonathan Swift. Gulliver’s Travels.

2. Jane Austen. Pride and Prejudice.

3. Henry Fielding. Tom Jones.

4. Charles Dickens. Hard Times.

5. George Eliot. The Mill on the Floss.

6. Thomas Hardy.  Tess of the

7. Mark Twain. The Adventures of Huck-leberry Finn.

Answers must be written in English.
Texts for detailed study are listed below.
Candidates will also be required to show
adequate knowledge of the following top-ics and movements :
Modernism; Poets of the Thirties; The
stream-of-consciousness Novel; Absurd
Drama; Colonialism and Post-Colonialism;
Indian Writing in English; Marxist, Psycho-analytical and Feminist approaches to lit-erature; Post-Modernism.

1. William Butler Yeats. The following po-ems:
- Easter 1916
- The Second Coming
- A Prayer for my daughter.
- Sailing to Byzantium.
- The Tower.
- Among School Children.
- Leda and the Swan.
- Meru
- Lapis Lazuli
- The Second Coming
- Byzantium.

2. T.S. Eliot. The following poems :
- The Love Song of J.Alfred
- Journey of the Magi.
- Burnt Norton.

3. W.H. Auden. The following poems :
- Partition
- Musee des Beaux Arts
- in Memory of W.B. Yeats
- Lay your sleeping head, my love
- The Unknown Citizen
- Consider
- Mundus Et Infans
- The Shield of Achilles
- September 1, 1939
- Petition.

4. John Osborne : Look Back in Anger.

5. Samuel Beckett. Waiting for Godot.

6. Philip Larkin. The following poems :
- Next
- Please
- Deceptions
- Afternoons
- Days
- Mr. Bleaney

7. A.K. Ramanujan. The following po-ems :
- Looking for a Causim on a Swing
- A River
- Of Mothers, among other Things
- Love Poem for a Wife 1

- Small-Scale Reflections on a
Great House
- Obituary
(All these poems are available in the an-thology Ten Twentieth Century Indian Po-ets, edited by R. Parthasarthy, published
by Oxford University Press, New Delhi).


1. Joseph Conrad. Lord Jim

2. James Joyce.  Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.

3. D.H. Lawrence. Sons and Lovers.

4. E.M. Forster. A Passage to India.

5. Virginia Woolf. Mrs Dalloway.

6. Raja Rao. Kanthapura.

7. V.S. Naipal. A House for Mr. Biswas.

Civil Service Mains Optional DOGRI


History of Dogri Language and Literature
(Answers must be written in Dogri)


History of Dogri Language
1. Dogri language : Origin and develop-ment through different stages.

2. Linguistic boundaries of Dogri and its

3. Characteristic features of Dogri lan-guage.

4. Structure of Dogri Language :

(a) Sound Structure :
Segmental : Vowels and Consonants
Non-Segmental : Length, Stress, Na-salization, Tone and Juncture.

(b) Morphology of Dogri :

(i) Inflection Categories : Gender, Num-ber, Case, Person, Tense and Voice.

(ii) Word Formation : use of prefixes,
infixes and suffixes.

(iii) Vocabulary : Tatsam, tadbhav, foreign
and regional.

(c) Sentence Structure : Major Sentence
- types and their constituents, agree-ment and concord in Dogri syntax.

5. Dogri Language and Scripts : Dogre/
Dogra Akkhar, Devanagari and Per-sian.

History of Dogri Literature :

1. A brief account of Pre-independence
Dogri Literature : Poetry & Prose.

2. Development of modern Dogri Poetry
and main trends in Dogri Poetry.

3. Development of Dogri short-story,
main trends & prominent short-story

4. Development of Dogri Novel, main
trends & contribution of Dogri Novel-ists.

5. Development of Dogri Drama & con-tribution of prominent Playwrights.

6. Development of Dogri Prose : Essays,
Memoirs & Travelogues.

7. An introduction to Dogri Folk literature
- Folk songs, Folk tales & Ballads.

Textual Cristisim of Dogri Literature
(Answers must be written in Dogri)



1. Azadi Paihle Di Dogri Kavita.
The following poets :
Devi Ditta, Lakkhu, Ganga Ram,
Ramdhan, Hardutt, Pahari Gandhi
Baba Kanshi Ram & Permanand


2. Modern Dogri Poetry
Azadi Bad Di Dogri Kavita
The following poets :
Kishan Smailpuri, Tara Smailpuri,
Mohan Lal Sapolia, Yash Sharma,
K.S. Madhukar, Padma Sachdev,
Jitendra Udhampuri, Charan Singh
and Prakash Premi.

3. Sheeraza Dogri Number 102, Ghazal
The following poets :
Ram Lal Sharma, Ved Pal Deep, N.D.
Jamwal, Shiv Ram Deep, Ashwini
Magotra and Virendra Kesar.

4. Sheeraza Dogri Number 147, Ghazal
The following poets :
R.N. Shastri, Jitendra Udhampuri,
Champa Sharma and Darshan Darshi.

5. Ramayan (Epic) by Shambhu Nath
Sharma (upto Ayodhya Kand)

6. Veer Gulab (Khand Kavya) by Dinoo
Bhai Pant.



1. Ajakani Dogri Kahani
The following short story writers :
Madan Mohan Sharma, Narendra
Khajuria and B.P. Sathe.

2. Ajakani Dogri Kahani Part-II
The following Short Story writters :
Ved Rahi, Narsingh Dev Jamwal, Om
Goswami, Chhattrapal, Lalit Magotra,
Chaman Arora and Ratan Kesar.

3. Khatha Kunj Bhag II
The following Story writters :
Om Vidyarthi, Champa Sharma and
Krishan Sharma

4. Meel Patthar (collection of short sto-ries) by Bandhu Sharma

5. Kaiddi (Novel) by Desh Bandhu Dogra

6. Nanga Rukkh (Novel) by O.P. Sharma

7. Nayaan (Drama) by Mohan Singh.

8. Satrang (A collection of one act plays)
The following pay wrights :
Vishwa Nath Khajuria, Ram Nath
Shastri, Jitendra Sharma, Lalit Magotra
and Madan Mohan Sharma.

9. Dogri Lalit Nibandh
The following authors :
Vishwa Nath Khajuria, Narayan
Mishra, Balkrishan Shastri, Shiv Nath,
Shyam Lal Sharma, Lakshmi Narayan,
D.C. Prashant, Ved Ghai, Kunwar

Civil Service Mains Optional CHINESE



This paper will require the candidates to
have a good knowledge of standard Chi-nese language and its characteristics so
as to test the candidate’s organisational
capabilities. All the questions except the
question on translation from Chinese to
English must be answered in Chinese. All
the questions carry equal marks.


1. Essay writing in about 500 Chinese
characters on a topical subject.

2. Translation :
a) Chinese-English
b) English-Chinese

3. Syntactic and grammatical usage.

1. Explanation of idioms and phrases in

2. Development of Chinese language

3. Comprehension Precis writing.

This paper will require the candidates to
have a good grasp of Chinese studies and
will be designed to test the candidate’s criti-cal ability. All the questions must be an-swered in Chinese. All the questions carry
equal marks.

1. Short notes on topics related to major
events in modern Chinese history
(from 1919 till date).

2. Critical evaluation of major literary works
in pre-liberation period (1919-1949) :

a) Lao She : Four Generations,

b) Ba Jin : Family.

c) Lu Xum : Medicine,
Madman’s Diary.
The True Story of
Ah Q.

d) Mao Dun : Midnight

e) Ai Quing : Coal’s Reply (Mei
de Duihua),
Begger (Qigai), I
Love This Land
(Wo Ai Zhe Tudi),
Old Man (Laoren)

f) Guo Moruo : The Goddesses.

3. Role of Philosophy and Religion in the
Development of Chinese Society.


1. Socio-Economic/Political/Educational/
Sports/Science and Technological
Development since 1979.

2. Critical appreciation of major literary
works in post-liberation period (1949
till date) :

a) Gu Hua : The Town Called

b) Chen Rong : Till the Middle Age
(Ren dao

c) Liu Xinwu : The Class-in-Charge (Ban

d) Lu Yao : The Human

e) Ai Qing : Fish Fossil, The
Mirror, The
Gardener’s Dream,
The Hunter Who
Drew Birds

f) Shu Ting : Motherland, My
Beloved Mother-land

Civil Service Mains Optional BODO


History of Bodo Language and Literature
(Answers must be written in Bodo)

History of Bodo Language

1. Homeland, language family, its
present status and its mutual contact
with Assamese.

(a) Phonemes : Vowel and Consonant

(b) Tones.

3. Morphology : Gender, Case & Case
endings, Plural suffix, Definitives, Ver-bal suffix.

4. Vocabulary and its sources.

5. Syntax : Types of sentences, Word Or-der.

6. History of Scripts used in writing Bodo
Language since inception.


History of Bodo Literature

1. General introduction of Bodo folk lit-erature.

2. Contribution of the Missionaries.

3. Periodization of Bodo Literature.

4. Critical analysis of different genre (Po-etry, Novel, Short Story and Drama)

5. Translation Literature.


The Paper will require first-hand reading
of the texts prescribed and will be de-signed to test the critical ability of the

(Answers must be written in Bodo)

(a) Khonthai-Methai
(Edited by Madaram Brahma &
Rupnath Brahma).

(b) Hathorkhi-Hala
(Edited by Pramod Chandra Brahma)

(c) Boroni Gudi Sibsa Arw Aroz : Madaram

(d) Raja Nilambar : Dwarendra Nath

(e) Bibar (Prose section)
(Edited by Satish Chandra Basumatary)

(a) Gibi Bithai (Aida Nwi) : Bihuram Boro

(b) Radab : Samar Brahma Chaudhury

(c) Okhrang Gongse Nangou : Brajendra
Kumar Brahma

(d) Baisagu Arw Harimu : Laksheswar

(e) Gwdan Boro : Manoranjan Lahary

(f) Jujaini Or : Chittaranjan Muchahary

(g) Mwihoor : Dharanidhar Wary

(h) Hor Badi Khwmsi : Kamal Kumar

(i) Jaolia Dewan : Mangal Singh Hozowary

(j) Hagra Guduni Mwi : Nilkamal Brahma.

Civil Service Mains Optional BENGALI


History of Language and Literature.
Answers must be written in Bengali.

Topics from the History of Bangla language

1. The chronological track from Proto
Indo-European to Bangla (Family tree
with branches and approximate dates).

2. Historical stages of Bangla (Old,
Middle, New) and their linguistic fea-tures.

3. Dialects of Bangla and their distin-guishing characteristics.

4. Elements of Bangla Vocabulary.

5. Forms of Bangla Literary Prose-Sadhu
and Chalit.

6. Processes of language change rel-evant for Bangla.
Apinihiti (Anaptyxis), Abhishruti (um-laut), Murdhanyibhavan
(cerebralization), Nasikyibhavan (Na-salization), Samibhavan (Assimila-tion), Sadrishya (Analogy),
Svaragama (Vowel insertion)-Adi
Svaragama, Madhya Svaragama or
Svarabhakti, Antya Svaragama,
Svarasangati (Vowel hormony), y-shruti and w-shruti.

7. Problems of standardization and re-form of alphabet and spelling, and
those of transliteration and

8. Phonology, Morphology and Syntax
of Modern Bangla.
(Sounds of Modern Bangla, Conjuncts;
word formations, compounds; basic sen-tence patterns.)

Topics from the History of Bangla Literature.

1. Periodization of Bangla Literature :
Old Bangla and Middle Bangla.

2. Points of difference between modern
and pre-modern Bangla Literature.

3. Roots and reasons behind the emer-gence of modernity in Bangla Literature.

4. Evolution of various Middle Bangla
forms : Mangal kavyas, Vaishnava lyr-ics, Adapted narratives (Ramayana,
Mahabharata, Bhagavata) and reli-gious biographies.

5. Secular forms in middle Bangla litera-ture.

6. Narrative and lyric trends in the nine-teenth century Bangla poetry.

7. Development of prose.

8. Bangla dramatic literature (nineteenth
century, Tagore, Post-1944 Bangla

9. Tagore and post-Tagoreans.

10. Fiction, major authors :
(Bankimchandra, Tagore,
Saratchandra, Bibhutibusan,
Tarasankar, Manik).

11. Women and Bangla literature : cre-ators and created.


Prescribed texts for close study.
Answers must be written in Bengali.

1.  Vaishnava Padavali  (Calcutta Univer-sity)
Poems of Vidyapati, Chandidas,

Jnanadas, Govindadas and Balaramdas.
2.  Chandimangal  Kalketu episode by
Mukunda (Sahitya Akademi).

3. Chaitanya Charitamrita Madya Lila, by
Krishnadas Kaviraj (Sahitya Akademi).

4. Meghnadbadh Kavyaby Madhusudan

5. Kapalkundalaby Bankimchandra

6.  Samyaand  Bangadesher Krishakby
Bankimchandra Chatterjee.

7.  Sonar Tariby Rabindranath Tagore.

8.  Chhinnapatravaliby Rabindranath


9.  Raktakarabiby Rabindranath Tagore.

10.  Nabajatakby Rabindranath Tagore.

11.  Grihadahaby Saratchandra Chatter-jee.

12.  Prabandha Samgraha  Vol. 1, by
Pramatha Choudhuri.

13.  Aranyak  by Bibhutibhusan Banerjee

14. Short stories  by Manik Bandyo-padhyay : Atashi Mami, Pragaitihasik,
Holud-Pora, Sarisrip, Haraner Natjamai,
Chhoto-Bokulpurer Jatri, Kustharogir Bou,
Jakey Ghush Ditey Hoy.
15. Shrestha Kavitaby Jibanananda Das.
16.  Jagori by Satinath Bhaduri.
17. Ebam Indrajitby Badal Sircar

Civil Service Mains Optional ARABIC



(Answers must be written in Arabic)
 (a) Origin and development of the lan-guage-an outline.

(b) Significant features of the grammar
of the language, Rhetorics, Prosody.

(c) Short Essay in Arabic.


2. Literary History and Literary Criticism :
Socio-Cultural Background, Classical lit-erature, literary movements, modern
trends, origin and development of modern
prose : drama, novel, short story, essay.

This paper will require first hand reading
of the texts prescribed and will be designed
to test the candidate’s critical ability. An-swers must be written in Arabic.
1. Imraul Qais : Qifa Nabke Min Zikra
Habibin Wa Manzili
Al Muallaqatus Saba

2. Hassan : Lillahi Darru Isabatin
bin Thabit Nadamtuhum (complete)
Diwan Hassan Bin Thabit

3. Jarir : Hayyu Umamata
Wazkuru Ahdan Mada
Nukhbatul Deptt. of Arabic, A.M.U.

Adab : Aligarh

4. Farzdaq : Hazal Lazi Tariful Batha-o-Watatuhu (complete)
Majmuatun Minan Nazm-i-Wan Nasr, Jamia
Salafiah, Varanasi

5. Al Mutanabbi : Ya Ukhta Khair-e-Akhin
Ya Binta Khair-e-Abin
Aqamahul Fikru Bainal Ijz-e-Wattaabi Nukhbatul
Adab, Deptt. of Arabic,
A.M.U. Alig.

6. Abul Ala Ala Fi Sabil Majdi Ma Ana
Al-Maarri : Faailu
Wa Ya Nafsu Jiddi Inna
Dahraki Hazilu
Majmuatul Minan Nazm-i-Wan Nasr, Jamia Salafia,

7. Shauqi : Wulidal Huda Falkainatu
Makhtara Illa Dinakal
Salamun Neeli Ya
Ghandi (complete)

8. Hafiz Rajatu Linafsi Fattahamtu
Ibrahim : Hasati (complete)
Nukhbatul Adab
9. Ilya Abu Damatun Kharsao
Madi : (complete)
Mukhtarat Minal Sher Al
Arabi Al Hadith, M.M.


Authors Books Lessons

1. Ibnul Muqaffa Kalilah Wa Dimnah
Al Asad Wal Thaur

2. Al-Jahiz Mukhtarat Min Adabil
Arab Bakhilun Hakim
Part II By : S.A. Hasan
Ali Nadwi

3. Ibn Khaldun Muqaddamah
Araun Fit Talim (com-plete)

4. Mahmud Taimur Qalar Rawi Am
Mutawalli (complete)

5. Taufiqual Hakim Masrahiyat Sirrul
Muntahira (complete)

6. Abbas Mahmud Aqqad Mukhtarat Min
Adabil Arab-II
Assiddiq (complete)


1. Ghulam Ali Azad Bilgrami

2. Shah Walullah Dehlavi

3. Zulfiqar Ali Deobandl

4. Abdul Aziz Meman

5. Syed Abul Hasan Ali Hasani Nadwi

Civil Service Mains Optional ASSAMESE LANGUAGE




(Answers must be written in Assamese)

(a) History of the origin and development
of the Assamese language-its position
among the Indo-Aryan Languages-periods in its history.

(b) Developments of Assamese prose.

(c) Vowels and consonants of the Assa-mese languages-rules of phonetic
changes with stress on Assamese
coming down from Old Indo-Aryan.

(d) Assamese vocabulary-and its

(e) Morphology of the language-conjuga-tion-enclitic definitives and pleonastic

(f) Dilectical divergences-the standard
colloquial and the Kamrupi dialect in

(g) Assamese scripts-its evolution through
the ages till 19th century A.D.

Literary Criticism and Literary History

(a) Principles of Literary criticism upto New

(b) Different literary genres.

(c) Development of literary forms in

(d) Development of literary criticism in

(e) Periods of the literary history of Assam
from the earliest beginnings, i.e. from
the period of the charyyageets with
their socio-cultural background : the
proto Assamese-Pre-Sankaradeva-Sankaradeva-post Sankaradeva-Modern period (from the coming of the
Britishers)-Post-Independence pe-riod. Special emphasis is to be given
on the Vaisnavite period, the gonaki
and the post-Independence period.


This paper will require first-hand reading
of the texts prescribed and will be designed
to test the candidates’ critical ability. An-swers must be written in Assamese

Rãmãyana (Ayodhya Kãnda only)-by
Madhava Kandali.
Pãrijãt-Harana-by Sankaradeva.
Rãsakrïdã-by Sankaradeva (From Kirtana
Bargeet-by Madhavadeva
Rãjasûya-by Madhavadeva.
Kãthã-Bhãgavata (Books I and II)-by
Baikunthanath Bhattacharyya.
Gurucarit-Kathã (Sankaradeva’s Part only)-ed. by Maheswar Neog.
Mor Jeevan Soñwaran-by Lakshminath
Kripãbar Barbaruãr Kãkatar Topola-by
Lakshminath Bezbaroa.
Pratimã-by Chandra Kumar Agarwalla.
Gãoñburhã-by Padmanath Gohain Barua.
Monamatî-by Rajanikanta Bordoloi.
Purani Asamîyã Sãhitya-by Banikanta
Kãrengar Ligirî-by Jyotiprasad Agarwalla
Jeevanar Bãtat-by Bina Barwa (Birinchi
Kumar Barua)
Mrityunjoy-by Birendrakumar
Samrãt-by Navakanta Barua

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Civil Service Mains Optional ECONOMICS



1. Advanced Micro Economics:

(a) Marshallian and Walrasiam Ap-proaches to Price determination.

(b) Alternative Distribution Theories: Ricardo, Kaldor, Kaleeki

(c) Markets Structure: Monopolistic
Competition, Duopoly, Oligopoly.

(d) Modern Welfare Criteria: Pareto
Hicks & Scitovsky, Arrow’s Impossi-bility Theorem, A.K. Sen’s Social
Welfare Function.

2. Advanced Macro Economics:
Approaches to Employment Income and
Interest Rate determination: Classical,
Keynes (IS-LM) curve, Neo classical syn-thesis and New classical, Theories of In-terest Rate determination and Interest Rate

3. Money - Banking and Finance:
(a) Demand for and Supply of Money:
Money Multiplier Quantity Theory of
Money (Fisher, Pique and Friedman)
and Keyne’s Theory on Demand for
Money, Goals and Instruments of Mon-etary Management in Closed and
Open Economies. Relation between
the Central Bank and the Treasury.
Proposal for ceiling on growth rate of

(b) Public Finance and its Role in Market
Economy: In stabilization of supply,
allocation of resources and in distri-bution and development. Sources of
Govt. revenue, forms of Taxes and
Subsidies, their incidence and effects.
Limits to taxation, loans, crowding-out
effects and limits to borrowings. Pub-lic Expenditure and its effects.

4. International Economics:

(a) Old and New Theories of International
(i) Comparative Advantage

(ii) Terms of Trade and Offer Curve.

(iii) Product Cycle and Strategic Trade

(iv) Trade as an engine of growth and
theories of under development in
an open economy.

(b) Forms of Protection: Tariff and quota.

(c) Balance of Payments Adjustments:
Alternative Approaches.

(i) Price versus income, income ad-justments under fixed exchange

(ii) Theories of Policy Mix

(iii) Exchange rate adjustments under
capital mobility

(iv) Floating Rates and their Implica-tions for Developing Countries:
Currency Boards.

(v) Trade Policy and Developing

(vi) BOP, adjustments and Policy Co-ordination in open economy

(vii) Speculative attacks

(viii) Trade Blocks and Monetary

(ix) WTO: TRIMS, TRIPS, Domestic
Measures, Different Rounds of
WTO talks.

5. Growth and Development:

(a) (i) Theories of growth: Harrod’s

(ii) Lewis model of development with
surplus labour

(iii) Balanced and Unbalanced

(iv) Human Capital and Economic

(v) Research and Development and
Economic Growth

(b) Process of Economic Development of
Less developed countries: Myrdal and
Kuzments on economic development
and structural change: Role of Agri-culture in Economic Development of
less developed countries.

(c) Economic development and Interna-tional Trade and Investment, Role of

(d) Planning and Economic Develop-ment: changing role of Markets and
Planning, Private- Public Partnership

(e) Welfare indicators and measures of
growth – Human Development Indi-ces. The basic needs approach.

(f) Development and Environmental
Sustainability – Renewable and Non
Renewable Resources, Environmen-tal Degradation, Intergenerational eq-uity development.


1. Indian Economy in Pre-Independence
Land System and its changes, Commer-cialization of agriculture, Drain theory,
Laissez faire theory and critique. Manu-facture and Transport: Jute, Cotton, Rail-ways, Money and Credit.

2. Indian Economy after Independence:
A The Pre Liberalization Era:

(i) Contribution of Vakil, Gadgil and
V.K.R.V. Rao.

(ii) Agriculture: Land Reforms and
land tenure system, Green Revo-lution and capital formation in ag-riculture,

(iii) Industry Trends in composition
and growth, Role of public and
private sector, Small scale and
cottage industries.

(iv) National and Per capita income:
patterns, trends, aggregate and
Sectoral composition and
changes their in.

(v) Broad factors determining Na-tional Income and distribution,
Measures of poverty, Trends in
poverty and inequality.
B The Post Liberalization Era:

(i) New Economic Reform and Agri-culture: Agriculture and WTO,
Food processing, Subsidies, Ag-ricultural prices and public distri-bution system, Impact of public ex-penditure on agricultural growth.

(ii) New Economic Policy and Indus-try: Strategy of industrialization,
Privatization, Disinvestments,
Role of foreign direct investment
and multinationals.

(iii) New Economic Policy and Trade:
Intellectual property rights: Impli-cations of TRIPS, TRIMS, GATS
and new EXIM policy.
(iv) New Exchange Rate Regime:
Partial and full convertibility, Capi-tal account convertibility

(v) New Economic Policy and Public
Finance: Fiscal Responsibility Act,
Twelfth Finance Commission and
Fiscal Federalism and Fiscal

(vi) New Economic Policy and Mon-etary system. Role of RBI under
the new regime.

(vii) Planning: From central Planning
to indicative planning, Relation
between planning and markets
for growth and decentralized plan-ning: 73
and 74

(viii) New Economic Policy and Em-ployment: Employment and pov-erty, Rural wages, Employment
Generation, Poverty alleviation
schemes, New Rural, Employ-ment Guarantee Scheme.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Civil Service Mains Optional LAW



Constitutional and Administrative Law

1.Constitution and Constitutionalism: The distinctive features of the Constitution.

2.Fundamental rights – Public interest litigation; Legal Aid; Legal services authority.

3.Relationship between fundamental rights, directive principles and fundamental duties.

4.Constitutional position of the President
and relation with the Council of Ministers.

5.Governor and his powers.

6.Supreme Court and High Courts:
(a) Appointments and transfer.
(b) Powers, functions and jurisdiction.

7.Centre, States and local bodies:
(a) Distribution of legislative powers
between the Union and the States.
(b) Local bodies.
(c) Administrative relationship among
Union, State and Local Bodies.
(d) Eminent domain – State property –
common property – community

8.Legislative powers, privileges and

9.Services under the Union and the States:
(a) Recruitment and conditions of
services; Constitutional safeguards;
Administrative tribunals.
(b) Union Public Service Commission and
State Public Service Commissions –
Power and functions
(c) Election Commission – Power and

10.Emergency provisions.

11.Amendment of the Constitution.

12.Principles of natural justice – Emerging
trends and judicial approach.

13.Delegated legislation and its consti-tutionality.

14.Separation of powers and constitutional

15.Judicial review of administrative action.

16.Ombudsman: Lokayukta, Lokpal etc

International Law

1. Nature and definition of international

2. Relationship between international
law and municipal law.

3. State recognition and state

4. Law of the sea: Inland waters, territorial
sea, contiguous zone, continental
shelf, exclusive economic zone, high

5. Individuals: Nationality, statelessness;
Human rights and procedures
available for their enforcement.

6. Territorial jurisdiction of States,
extradition and asylum.

7. Treaties: Formation, application,
termination and reservation.

8. United Nations: Its principal organs,
powers, functions and reform.

9. Peaceful settlement of disputes –
different modes.

10. Lawful recourse to force: aggression,
self-defence, intervention.

11. Fundamental principles of internat-ional humanitarian law – International
conventions and contemporary

12. Legality of the use of nuclear weapons;
ban on testing of nuclear weapons;
Nuclear – non proliferation treaty, CTBT.

13. International terrorism, state
sponsored terrorism, hijacking,
international criminal court.

14. New international economic order and
monetary law: WTO, TRIPS, GATT,
IMF, World Bank.

15. Protection and improvement of the
human environment: International


Law of Crimes

1. General principles of criminal liability:
Mens rea and actus reus, mens rea in
statutory offences.

2. Kinds of punishment and emerging
trends as to abolition of capital

3. Preparation and criminal attempt.

4. General exceptions.

5. Joint and constructive liability.

6. Abetment.

7. Criminal conspiracy.

8. Offences against the State.

9. Offences against public tranquility.

10. Offences against human body.

11. Offences against property.

12. Offences against women.

13. Defamation.

14. Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988.

15. Protection of Civil Rights Act 1955 and
subsequent legislative developments.

16. Plea bargaining.

Law of Torts

1. Nature and definition.

2. Liability based upon fault and strict liability; Absolute liability.

3. Vicarious liability including State liability.

4. General defences.

5. Joint tort feasors.

6. Remedies.

7. Negligence.

8. Defamation.

9. Nuisance.

10. Conspiracy.

11. False imprisonment.

12. Malicious prosecution.

13. Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
Law of Contracts and Mercantile Law

1. Nature and formation of contract/E-contract.

2. Factors vitiating free consent.

3. Void, voidable, illegal and unenfor-ceable agreements.