Answers must be written in German
1. Structure of Language :
Candidates are expected to have a thor-ough knowledge of German grammar with
reference to specific aspects such as word
order, syntactic structures and semantics.
2. Essay in German :
Candidates are expected to demonstrate
command over techniques of written ex-pression in German by writing an essay on
a contemporary topic of a general nature.
1. Translation of a text of a general na-ture from English into German.
2.Socio-political and cultural history of
Germany from the 18th century onwards
with special reference to :
a. Impact of Enlightenment on German
society and culture
b. The impact of Prussian culture on Ger-many.
c. Cultural debates in the Weimar Re-public.
d. The concept of culture under National
Socialism in Germany.
e. The development of two German lit-eratures and cultures after 1945.
f. Reunification of Germany and the
problems of cultural pluralism.
g. The role and relevance of German lan-guage and literature in the European
(Answers must be written in German)
1. Development of German literature
from the 19th century to the present.
Candidates should know the main trends,
representative authors and their important
works. The emphasis is not on collecting
information on works and authors, but the
candidate is expected to identify features
of a literary epoch on the basis of repre-sentative texts.
2. The Study of literary genres.
Candidates must be aware of the charac-
teristic features of the different genres like
Roman, Novelle, Drama, Ballade, Elegie,
Marchen, Fabein, Kurzgeschichte.
1. Perceptions of Literary Interpretation.
Candidates should be aware of various
approaches to a critical understanding of
2.Study of Selected Texts.
a. Goethe : Die Leiden des jungen Werther.
b. Schiller : Maria Stuart.
c. Eichendorff. Gedichte.
d. Gottfried Keller : Kleider machen Leute.
e. Thomas Mann : Die vertauschten Kopfe.
f. Franz Kafka : Vor Dem Gesetz.
g. Friedrich Durrenmatt : Die Physiker.
h. Max Frisch : Andorra.
i. Heinrich Boll : Die verlorence Ehre der
Katharina Blum.
j. Ingeborg Bachmann : Alles (aus dem
Erzahlband :
Das dreBigste
k. Rose Auslander : Gedichte.
l. Christa Wolf : Der geteilte Himmel.
m. Gunter Grass : Zunge zeigen
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