The candidate should make a study of the
concept and development of management
as science and art drawing upon the con-tributions of leading thinkers of manage-ment and apply the concepts to the real life
of government and business decision mak-ing keeping in view the changes in the stra-tegic and operative environment.
1. Managerial Function and Process:
Concept and Foundations of Management,
Evolution of Management Thoughts;
Managerial Functions – Planning, Orga-nizing, Controlling; Decision making; Role
of Manager, Managerial skills; Entrepre-neurship; Management of innovation;
Managing in a global environment, Flex-ible Systems Management; Social respon-sibility and managerial ethics; Process and
customer orientation; Managerial pro-cesses on direct and indirect value chain.
2. Organisational Behaviour and Design:
Conceptual model of organization
behaviour; The individual processes – per-sonality, values and attitude, perception,
motivation, learning and reinforcement,
work stress and stress management; The
dynamics of organization behaviour –
power and politics, conflict and negotia-tion, leadership process and styles, com-munication; The Organizational Processes
- decision making, job design; Classical,
Neoclassical and Contingency ap-proaches to organizational design; Orga-nizational theory and design - organiza-tional culture, managing cultural diversity,
learning organization; organizational
change and development; Knowledge
Based Enterprise – systems and pro-cesses; Networked and virtual organiza-tions.
3. Human Resource Management:
HR challenges; HRM functions; The future
challenges of HRM; Strategic Management
of human resources; Human resource plan-ning; Job analysis; Job evaluation; Recruit-ment and selection; Training and develop-ment; Promotion and transfer; Performance
management; Compensation management
and benefits; Employee morale and pro-ductivity; Management of organizational
climate and Industrial relations; Human
resources accounting and audit; Human
resource information system; International
human resource management.
4. Accounting for Managers:
Financial accounting – concept, impor-tance and scope, generally accepted ac-counting principles, preparation of finan-cial statements with special reference to
analysis of a balance sheet and measure-ment of business income, inventory valua-tion and depreciation, financial statement
analysis, fund flow analysis, the statement
of cash flows; Management accounting –
concept, need, importance and scope;
Cost accounting – records and processes,
cost ledger and control accounts, recon-ciliation and integration between financial
and cost accounts; Overhead cost and con-trol, Job and process costing, Budget and
budgetary control, Performance budgeting,
Zero-base budgeting, relevant costing and
costing for decision-making, standard cost-ing and variance analysis, marginal cost-ing and absorption costing.
5. Financial Management:
Goals of finance function; Concepts of
value and return; Valuation of bonds and
shares; Management of working capital:
Estimation and financing; Management of
cash, receivables, inventory and current
liabilities; Cost of capital; Capital budget-ing; Financial and operating leverage;
Design of capital structure: theories and
practices; Shareholder value creation: divi-dend policy, corporate financial policy and
strategy, management of corporate dis-tress and restructuring strategy; Capital
and money markets: institutions and instru-ments; Leasing, hire purchase and ven-ture capital; Regulation of capital market;
Risk and return: portfolio theory; CAPM;
APT; Financial derivatives: option, futures,
swap; Recent reforms in financial sector.
6. Marketing Management:
Concept, evolution and scope; Marketing
strategy formulation and components of
marketing plan; Segmenting and targeting
the market; Positioning and differentiating
the market offering; Analyzing competition;
Analyzing consumer markets; Industrial
buyer behaviour; Market research; Prod-uct strategy; Pricing strategies; Designing
and managing Marketing channels; Inte-grated marketing communications; Build-ing customer satisfaction, Value and re-tention; Services and non-profit marketing;
Ethics in marketing; Consumer protection;
Internet marketing; Retail management;
Customer relationship management; Con-cept of holistic marketing.
1. Quantitative Techniques in Decision
Descriptive statistics – tabular, graphical
and numerical methods, introduction to
probability, discrete and continuous prob-ability distributions, inferential statistics-sampling distributions, central limit theo-rem, hypothesis testing for differences be-tween means and proportions, inference
about population variances, Chi-square
and ANOVA, simple correlation and regres-sion, time series and forecasting, decision
theory, index numbers; Linear program-ming – problem formulation, simplex
method and graphical solution, sensitivity
2. Production and Operations Manage-ment:
Fundamentals of operations management;
Organizing for production; Aggregate pro-duction planning, capacity planning, plant
design: process planning, plant size and
scale of operations, Management of facili-ties; Line balancing; Equipment replace-ment and maintenance; Production con-trol; Supply chain management - vendor
evaluation and audit; Quality management;
Statistical process control, Six Sigma; Flex-ibility and agility in manufacturing systems;
World class manufacturing; Project man-agement concepts, R&D management,
Management of service operations; Role
and importance of materials management,
value analysis, make or buy decision; In-ventory control, MRP; Waste management.
3. Management Information System:
Conceptual foundations of information sys-tems; Information theory; Information re-source management; Types of information
systems; Systems development - Overview
of systems and design; System develop-ment management life-cycle, Designing for
online and distributed environments; Imple-mentation and control of project; Trends in
information technology; Managing data
resources - Organising data; DSS and
RDBMS; Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP), Expert systems, e-Business archi-tecture, e-Governance; Information sys-tems planning, Flexibility in information
systems; User involvement; Evaluation of
information systems.
4. Government Business Interface:
State participation in business, Interaction
between Government, Business and dif-ferent Chambers of Commerce and Indus-try in India; Government’s policy with re-gard to Small Scale Industries; Government
clearances for establishing a new enter-prise; Public Distribution System; Govern-ment control over price and distribution;
Consumer Protection Act (CPA) and The
Role of voluntary organizations in protect-ing consumers’ rights; New Industrial Policy
of the Government: liberalization, deregu-lation and privatisation; Indian planning
system; Government policy concerning de-velopment of Backward areas/regions; The
Responsibilities of the business as well as
the Government to protect the environment;
Corporate Governance; Cyber Laws.
5. Strategic Management:
Business policy as a field of study; Nature
and scope of strategic management, Stra-tegic intent, vision, objectives and policies;
Process of strategic planning and imple-mentation; Environmental analysis and in-ternal analysis; SWOT analysis; Tools and
techniques for strategic analysis - Impact
matrix: The experience curve, BCG matrix,
GEC mode, Industry analysis, Concept of
value chain; Strategic profile of a firm;
Framework for analysing competition;
Competitive advantage of a firm; Generic
competitive strategies; Growth strategies
– expansion, integration and diversifica-tion; Concept of core competence, Strate-gic flexibility; Reinventing strategy; Strat-egy and structure; Chief Executive and
Board; Turnaround management; Manage-ment of strategic change; Strategic alli-ances, Mergers and Acquisitions; Strat-egy and corporate evolution in the Indian
6. International Business:
International Business Environment:
Changing composition of trade in goods
and services; India’s Foreign Trade: Policy
and trends; Financing of International trade;
Regional Economic Cooperation; FTAs;
Internationalisation of service firms; Inter-national production; Operation Manage-ment in International companies; Interna-tional Taxation; Global competitiveness
and technological developments; Global
e-Business; Designing global organisa-tional structure and control; Multicultural
management; Global business strategy;
Global marketing strategies; Export Man-agement; Export- Import procedures; Joint
Ventures; Foreign Investment: Foreign di-rect investment and foreign portfolio invest-ment; Cross-border Mergers and Acquisi-tions; Foreign Exchange Risk Exposure
Management; World Financial Markets and
International Banking; External Debt Man-agement; Country Risk Analysis.
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